Which Thou Sowest

From Inglewood to South Central, Fred K C Price carved a path of Biblical practice compassion that Jesus called “True Religion.”  On Friday, February 12th, 2021, Fred succumbed to illness due to Corona Virus 2019 infection. At 89 he was still practicing the role of pastor, teacher, and overseer for a burgeoning denomination centered on Biblical obedience and personal growth. He will be missed.

Not withstanding and even because of the humble submission to authority evidenced in events surrounding his son Fred Jr. in 2017–the ministry remains a bastion of Bible centered Faith an Practice. While only God can see the future, and every act of freewill steers the course of life and ministry, the Legacy of Crenshaw Chrisitian Center remains in good hands and a jewel in the crown of the late Fred Senior.

We extend our love and prayerful support to the family and to Fred Jr in particular. As a wise man once said, “Black lives do matter…[you] have one.” Cherish it and remember it rests in the hands of a loving God with the will and power to carry you through. Stay the course because, you are loved.

And as believers we remain confident that we have not seen the last of Fred K C Price, but will meet him in the air at the muster of the saints.

Uncivil Obedience

There is a passage in the New Testament that says “obey the laws of the land.” Recently this has been pressed by a movement that advocates mindless obedience, at the cost of authenticity, from the pulpit and the bimah. This atavistic view is reminiscent of the Divine Right of Rule espoused by contemporaries of the Henry VIII of England. Such uncritical devotion to authority is contrary to sound faith and practice. Not only is the Judeo Christian tradition one of thought and study, the Laws of God must always be held as a higher authority than those of any earthly entity or regime. Authenticity is often the narrow, winding path that leads around loopholes in common law and executive order. At others it requires direct confrontation and disobedience of that which is unjust or evil, even when that evil is subtle or invisible to the democratic majority.

At one time the law of the land and public opinion held that everyone must bow Continue reading “Uncivil Obedience”

{Insert Cute Title Here}

Trying new software for musings. Musings go back to a day before I had discovered the dreaded blog, and I never had the will to automate the process of updating. I edited each musing as a separate file and then cut and pasted the content of the formatted text into a web editor. This produced adequate results and I was satisfied. Recently I’ve been exposed to several blogs and have found the packaged blog software to be impressive, so I’m hanging up the ol html editor and moving up to a wysiwyg plugin on a SQL driven blog portal. I think I’m going to like it here. Lord willing and the rapture delays, I’ll be adding new musings this year. Lord bless you all.
